Copy a Tweakers product to your clipboard to paste into Google Docs.
Exibe o preço teórico de um investimento no Tesouro Direto
Tweaks the Steam store to make a better experience!
· Hide owned or ignored games from the steam store page
· Bypasses age check automatically
· Bypasses external link filter
· Removes livestreams
· Etc.
Works best with the SteamDB Extension!
Skip the envelope animation when receiving a gift card from MyGiftCardsPlus.
Always start your eBay search for items with your specified default filters.
Adds an item to your right-click menu that will insert recently searched terms into your current text box.
Translates a website's prices to your time based on how much you make per hour.
small addon that perform redirection on site
main goal : improve usability when low bandwidth
UI Assistant for huobi international traders
Convert currencies based on user selection
Store copyright infos of stock photo as text file with one single click.
CashBackGénération vous rembourse un pourcentage de vos achats chez nos partenaires.
Nous vous indiquons également des codes de réduction que vous pouvez utiliser sur les sites marchands partenaires pour faire encore plus d'économies.
Eliminiranje oglasov, ki ponujajo odkup na strani
Quick button to
Reorganizes bandcamp merch for easier shopping, moving sold out items to the bottom of the page.
Track prices of products on Amazon and get notified when they drop below your desired price.
Fix Aliexpress annoying links.
You will be able to open links with new tab on
Filter search results containing ALL specified words, supporting word exclusion
With the Flying Blue Earning Online browser extension for Firefox, it becomes much easier to earn points while shopping at your favorite online stores.
A free chance to raise funds for your favorite nonprofits
Piñata Calculator for e-food
Warns users about unreliable sources.
Make the text "着払い" stand out
Display shipping time estimate and shipping method for ALL items on the search page
Allow users to track products on certain online stores, the user will be notified when their tracked products get a discount.
CashBee extension - up to 50% cashback among 1000+ stores under your hand
As an amazon customer I want to see wishlist total
Automation utilities assisting with purchasing graphics cards (currently: Best Buy and EVGA)
This extension enables you to calculate price per tsubo and price per square meter easily on real estate websites. Calculates price per tsubo and price per sq meter from selected text containing price and land area. Use from the context menu.
Automatically use your best credit card to get maximum rewards and cashback