Simple and Smart way to Organize all your Bookmarks, To-Do list, Notes in One Place.
✓Highly Customizable ✓Auto Sync to all browsers ✓Filter Bookmarks ✓Multiple Search Engine ✓Safe and Secure ✓Set as Homepage / Start page or New tab page
Twitch Server Checker
Redirect all your youtube link to top invidious site
Gets a previous version from a webpage using archive.org, archive.is or webcitation.org.
Reopens the current tab into a private window. The original tab will be closed. Special urls including urls starting with about: and chrome: will be ignored and a new private window with about:blank is opened instead.
Adds right-click-context-menu which opens currently selected text as an URL in a new tab.
Block all unwanted websites
Use Alt+Shift with the left and right arrow keys to navigate your tabs in the order you've used them.
Alt+Shift+◀ to go back, Alt+Shift+▶ to go forward. Simple like that.
Have too many tabs open? Use this add-on to sort them, organize them and clean them up.
Share the screen from your computer on Discord.
A minimal Firefox extension for saving pages to read later. Main idea of this extension – to provide "most minimal" extension and native-like experience.
Allows you to switch to the last tab, Press Alt + Z
See a random BTS Lyrics when you open a new tab.
Tab search provider for GNOME Shell
An extension for saving the GPT AI chat message history into clipboard. Right click on the chat window and select the "Save GPT Chat" entry.
Adds a "Close Other Tabs" item to the tab context menu
Pins homepage URLs as tabs
Verilen zamanlanma görevi ile sayfayı otomatik olarak yeniler.
New root tabs are placed at the top of the Tree Style Tab sidebar.
Learn Torah daily!
Allows you to share already signed into website sessions with your friends or your other devices via email, chat, or Firefox's Synced Tabs functionality.
Right click on an image to reverse image search it with Google, Bing, and Yandex.
Just right click where you are in need of a Harakirimail (disposable email address), your inbox will open in a background tab.
The dark theme protects the eyes, changing the Facebook theme to black. For those who do not like the white theme Facebook.
Renames all titles of a particular domain or a single URL.
Optimize PNG images and reduce the file size right in your browser!
Save opened urls for every open tab and every opened window to a JSON file or plain text.
Add a context menu option to links to open it in another window.
Copy browser tabs to (or create them from) your clipboard.
Prevents intempestive opening of popups from website links and scripts.