

2609 apps in web-development

Header Tags Copier

Header Tag Copier is a convenient Firefox add-on designed to quickly and effortlessly copy all header tags (h1 to h6) from any webpage you visit. With a simple click of the extension's icon, the add-on extracts header tags along with their respective

GTM variables move

Moves User defined variables before built-in variables in GTM variables view.
Enabables short cut for saving your work.


A Gruvbox dark color theme for Golang websites:

The source code is reachable at if you want to contribute:


Go to GoDoc documentation pages

GitHub with a cape

Open source Extension which adds a bunch of new features to GitHub. Customize by picking the ones you like! All options can be turn on and off, it includes:
- Notifications modal
- Resizeable splitted diffs
- Collapsable diffs
- And more!

GitHub Snippets

Adds a section to copy snippet in GitHub repository page.

Github Relations

Show related branches at top issues, and related issues at top of PR's.


Get cookies from current tab.

GDmod Patcher

Patches GDevelop games automatically to let you install mods on them.

Format with Prettier

Use prettier from your browser!


iconic font and css toolkit. Fontisto gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized: size, color, drop shadow and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.

Firebase Notification Sender

Send notification directFCM Notification Sender is help developer of apps to send notification easilyly using firebase with advanced options.

FindSomething - ايجاد شئ ما

البحث عن اشياء مهمة في صفحات الموقع او ملفات الجافا سكربت لايجاد معلومات حساسة ممكن ان تفيد المهاجمين الاخلاقيين

Figma Mixed Styles

Extract CSS of Figma text nodes with mixed styles. Works even in “View only” mode.


Tries to play links in MPV (a fork of ff2mpv).

email bouncer

email bouncer

Easy Role Selection for AWS SAML Sign-In page

A simple addon to rearrange and filter accounts on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SAML sign-in role selection page

data-qa Highlighter

Visualize "data-qa" elements on screen.

This extension helps QA and testing professionals who use "data-qa" or "data-test" attributes in HTML elements, making the content of these data attributes visible on screen.

D3 Lookup

Find details about a website, like whether or not it is hosted by D3.
Enter a URL to gain information about the server the site is on, the git repository containing the code & view a list of actions that can be performed to get further information.


Custom Lorem Ipsum Generator. While I love the generator over at (Futurama was one of the best!), I wanted to be able to upload my own text. Therefore, I built this Firefox Extension to let us do that.


This extension allows you to easily identify solved and unsolved exercises and removes all ads displayed on the site.

Clear Session

Clear cookies, session and local storage from current website with a single click.

ChatGPT Clipper

Copy ChatGPT correspondence with a single click

Browser Reloader

Browser reloader for developers


Shortlinks for Blueprint

Black Friday Replacer

Replace "Black Friday" in webpages by a random green eco tips

AWS Search Extension

A search-extension for quick, fuzzy-search results for AWS developers!

AWS console autofill delete

Automatically fills the confirmation message to delete a resource in AWS

aws colors

Change AWS web console header color depending on the selected region.

Add-on for edump

edump is tools for developers. it can show various valuables from some programming language through an edump console window. It's very convenient and efficient. This add-on provide the edump's console window on your browser's developer tool window.