Adds a Topic Filter button to your github repository page to help you quickly find your related Github repositories grouped by Topic! Yes, you can already use the "topic:html" syntax in search, but who can remember all their topics?

Collapses files that match supplied keywords in githubs file viewer for PR's.

Navigate to dependency repository while reading a composer.json on Github

Jump to previous/next GitHub comments with j/k

Color your project board

Keeps branch info on the right side of the screen when scrolling through a PR

Views a 4-spaced tab(default) for github editor.
Version 1.3 - Option to change the tab size based on preference.
Version 1.4 - Option for having 0 spaces tab indents.
See website for more details.

Get rid of annoying Github "Please type [repo name] to confirm."

Add a button to open all notifications in GitHub at once.

This extension allows you to generate RU credentials such as INN, SNILS, KPP, etc. and insert them into the active input.

Example extension showing use of the InboxSDK adding a sidebar to a Gmail thread

Example extension showing use of the InboxSDK adding a sidebar to a Gmail thread

Gadget Trace is a developer tool that allows you to trace the inner workings of your service oriented web application.

This extension contains todo, main-focus and weather

User can add, edit, delete, strike todos
User can add, edit, delete, strike main-focus
Use will get current time and weather
User will get random quotes

kicks off a browser action displaying a popup with two link options.
The popup demonstrates the use of popups and detached windows.
Currently for educational purposes, but will be a fully functioning extension in the next version.

adds forceRefresh=1 to the end of the url and refreshes the page

Followed By uses GitHub’s public API to fetch mutual followers for every profile you visit, straight to the profile page!

Connect to Feri and reload a web page when files change.

OneID@Adapter Extension for form-based authentication.

A cool browser extension that let's you manage your daily task with soothing background and inspiring quotes

Press the extension icon while on the webstore page. Does not work for FF addons

Change the color of the browser windows based on the environment.

Navigate between top five positive reacted Github issue comments with just one click.

A lightweight extension that makes searching Stack sites like StackOverflow quick & easy.

Displays all webpage images and allows user to download

Displays all webpage images and allows user to download

Add 'domain' to body class

DIMA Browser Security prevents you from Malware Sites, Phishing Sites and Infected Files from getting downloaded.

Open-source tool that allows you to search multiple lines in a Github commit or pull-request diff.