

Image Reader (OCR)

Image Reader (OCR) addon helps you easily get words out of any image. It uses an open-source OCR library called Tesseract. Tesseract.js is an open-source JavaScript library and is made via an Emscripten port of the famous Tesseract OCR Engine written in C and C++. Please visit this GitHub page to get more info.

To work with this addon, simply open the addon's interface and load your image via the file selector (top section). Before using the addon, please make sure to select the appropriate OCR language. Default OCR language is set to English.

Note: this addon uses tessdata GitHub repo to fetch language data required for the OCR operation. Language data packs are very large in size and cannot be included in the add-on package.

To report bugs, please fill the bug report form on the addon's homepage.
