

Save a link to the current tab

Sometimes it's useful to download a shortcut to a web site as a file that can be saved in a folder on the local disk.

This add-on creates a cross-platform alternative to an shortcut such as a .URL, .website, or .LNK file (on Windows); a URL shortcut .webloc file (on Mac OS X); or a Type=Link desktop file (on Linux). The same HTML link file is compatible with multiple browsers and operating systems.

Click the "Save a link" button to download and save a file that works as a link to the current page. This file ends with .link.html, but it does not save a copy of the current page. It's like a bookmark, but stored as an individual HTML stub file pointing to the desired URL.

More information on the Github page here:

Click the The link file is a small HTML file that you can save anywhere on your disk. Use the default filename or modify it as you wish. To use the link file later, just open it as you would a regular HTML file. The file will momentarily show a loading screen and then redirect to the targeted link.