


1. 输入一个日期,点击set,刷新页面可以将public timeline设置为该日期
2. 点击clear,刷新页面可以重置public timeline
3. 受限于Mastodon API,回到过去后timeline只能往前翻不能往后翻
4. 支持的日期范围:2017.09.23 - 2019.01.07

This addon helps to set the public timeline of back to a specific date. It intercepts the XHR request to current public timeline and redirects back via parameter.
1. select a date and click "set", then refresh the page, the public timeline will be pinned to the specific date
2. click "clear" then refresh the page, the public timeline will be reset to current
3. due to the restriction of Mastodon API, the timeline can only be traced backwards, no forwards
4. supported time period: 2017.09.26 - 2019.01.07
