

Tab Refresh

Note: This add-on is completely free! Please consider making a small donation (and write me a message) or write an review. Thank you!

Using this add-on you can set the time in minutes for the refresh page, it is possible to do this by adjusting in the preferences going in about:addons. This add-on will have more updates that will add new features, as requested in the reviews. Currently has the following features:

1. Set time to refresh tab in add-on preferences
2. Context menu

Many thanks to all who help with donations! That is very important to continue to develop this and other add-ons. <3

I'm thinking of a way to show who contributed to the development of add-on through donations. It will be of great help if you post suggestions on how to do this by opening a new issue.

Have a suggestion, requests, doubts or encountered an error? Please open a new issue.
