

Dictionary, Translation & Text-to-Speech

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Main Features
- Dictionaries: Linguee, Wordreference, CNRTL(TLFi, CRISCO), Duden, ARTFL(DVLF, FranText, Greek-Latin), EtymOnline, Beolingus, Chambers Dictionary, Collins, DictionaryCom, Larousse, Littré, Treccani, DictCC, LEODict, PONS, Priberam, Real Academia Española etc...
( Arrange the list via drag and drop)

- Translators: DeepL Translator, Google Translate
(Include inline or entire page translation)

- Text-to-Speech: responsiveVoice, ISpeech, WebSpeechApi
(Include a current text highlighter while it is read aloud)
Nota: WebSpeechApi uses the voice of your local OS, it does not need a network connection. Make sure you have the right voice installed on your system (mobile devices already have a bunch of voices installed)

- Inline: Hold key "s" then select a word/phrase (key "s" + click is a default combination, you can change it).
- Console: Follow this pattern " !cmd phrase " (or just " phrase or word "). Here, "!cmd" is a bang shortcut and "cmd" is either def | tts | any dictionary (at least 3/4 first characters).

For some dictionaries, Ublock or any other script blocker can break a search, make sure you allow your script blocker to retrieve a result from your current dictionary, translator or TTS service.

Translate inline or via a frame (DeepL and Google Translator only) Once you have chosen a default dictioanary, select a word to search for its definition A short paragraph or a phrase can be read aloud (with WebSpeechApi TTS, each word is highlighted at the same time) Free search via a console Configuration section