


Use a unique email address everywhere. IdBloc protects your privacy & security by generating secure email addresses on demand

Use IdBloc whenever someone wants your email address. Emails are automatically forwarded to your real address, keeping your identity secure.

Every time you reuse your email address you expose your identity. This can be used to track, monitor and even break in to your accounts. IdBloc prevents this from happening by providing a unique, randomly generated email address for every website or mailing list.

★ Auto-generated email addresses -create a new address right from the extension
★ Automatic email forwarding - emails are automatically forwarded to your real, private address
★ Untraceable email addresses - Emails addresses are randomly generated and unpredictable

Never worry about giving your email address out again.

Hide your email address - generate unique, randomly generated email addresses for every websites, login or mailinglist IdBloc - Keep your email address private Secure your identity - protect your privacy and security by generating permanent, anonymous email addresses on-demand Use a different email address for every website