

Copy ShortURL

On any webpage, this add-on adds a new item in the right click menu called “Copy Short URL”. When you click it, the add-on looks for a canonical short URL exposed by the website itself or creates its own.

A number of major websites expose their own short URLs for any entry on their webpages, among these: youtube (“…”),, Arstechnica, Techcrunch, and many more.

If, however, the site does not name its own short URL, the add-on automatically falls back to making a short URL using a URL shortening service of your choice (see the extension settings screen). The default is currently

After a fraction of a second, you end up with a short URL in your clipboard, ready to be used in tweets, emails, forum posts, or wherever else you please.

A short URL copied to the clipboard by this add-on. The right-click menu.