

Tab Rotator

The Tab Rotator can be started and ended either by pressing Shift+F11 or by clicking on the Tab Rotator Icon, once it is added to the User Interface.

The time interval after which the next tab should be shown, can by adjusted via the Addons Options-Page. Additionally the user can specify, if each tab should be reloaded after it was displayed and/or if the Tab Rotator should start automatically, when the browser starts.

Custom times for each tab
As of version 2.0 it is possible to set a custom time for each tab, entering multiple numbers separated by semicolons in the settings page of the duration. Each tab will use the time of the corresponding number of that list. If there are more tabs than entries in the list, each tab that doesn't have an entry will use the time of the first tab. E.g. when the user enters "10;30;15" as the rotation time, it means that the first tab will be displayed for 10 seconds, the second tab for 30 seconds, the third tab for 15 seconds and the fourth and any further tabs for 10 seconds as well.
