

WebGL Fingerprint Defender

WebGL Fingerprint Defender is a browser add-on that let you easily hide your real WebGL fingerprint by reporting a random fake value.

According to many tech blogs, completely blocking WebGL API is not a good idea, therefore reporting a fake fingerprint could be the best solution to better protect your privacy. This add-on simply adds a small noise to the actual fingerprint and renews it every time you visit a website or reload a page.

With the browser's WebGL API, in general, two types of fingerprints can be generated. One with WebGL constants and the other with an image that is rendered with the WebGL API. This addon can spoof both values at the same time.

To disable this add-on, please visit extensions page in your browser and then click on the disable button. Please note that this addon does not any toolbar icon/button.

Note: If you also want to protect your browser against other types of fingerprints, please see my other addons: Canvas Fingerprint Defender, AudioContext Fingerprint Defender.

If you have a feature request, or found a bug to report, please fill out the bug report form on the addon's homepage.
