

FaSiLa ❤ Donner

Each time you're shopping on one of our partner e-commerce website, we collecting funds for good causes AT NO COST TO YOU.

We are working with affiliate platforms. When you visit one of our partner e-commerce websites through one of the links available on FASILA ❤ DONNER, the affiliate platform stores a tracking cookie on your computer to identify you as coming from FASILA ❤ DONNER.
When you finalize an order, this information is forwarded to the affiliate platform by the eCommerce website.
After a delay, your order is considered as valid (no cancellation or return). FASILA ❤ DONNER receives a commission from the affiliate platform, the rate of which may vary depending on the terms of the partnership and the nature of the product you have purchased.
We then check the list your supported causes, and we share the money you helped collected among the causes you support. In case you do not support any cause, the money is shared over all our causes.

And so all sales made on our partnered eCommerce websites can help causes we support achieve their goals.
