

EducationPack Education system

EducationPack online is the Ubuntu Education Pack, which is a solution with a preset programs for education, science, programming and organization of the educational process. It is for junior, middle and senior classes of schools, lyceums, colleges, as well as higher education institutions such as institutes, universities and others.


* More than 230 applications for education on the topics of astronomy, chemistry, programming, geography, mathematics, algebra, geometry, physics, electronics, graphics, music, computer and other
* iTest - a system that allows you to conduct tests or exams in the classroom with a convenient management of the question / answer database and clear results reports.
* OOo4Kids - office package for educational purposes. Designed for an audience aged 7 to 12 years
* A vast number of programs for creativity (working with audio, video and graphics)

The complete list of programs are:

- Kstars - tabletop planetarium
- Stellarium - Planetarium
- Celestia - 3D Planetarium to explore the Universe
- Gpredict - real-time satellite tracking
- Xtide - provides forecasts of tides

- Chemtool - Drawing and calculations of chemical structures
- Kalzium - periodic table and tools related to chemistry
- GPeriodic - periodic table
- RasMol - View macro molecules and prepare to publish their images.
- Avogadro - Molecular Engineering and Modeling System
- Melting - calculate melting point of pairs of amino acids
- EasyChem - High-quality image of molecules and 2D chemical formulas
- Gdis - A tool for viewing models of molecules and crystals
- PyMol - Molecular Graphics System
- ViewMol - computational chemistry programs
- GChemPaint - the 2D editor for chemical elements

- Bluefish Editor - a powerful HTML editor.
- Lazarus - development environment for graphics and console applications on Free Pascal
- Gambas is a visual development environment for GNOME.
- KTurtle - educational programming environment
- KDevelop - a visual development environment for KDE
- Scratch - create stories, games and cartoons
- Laby - learning programming with the example of ants and spider webs
- Yorick - an interpreted language for scientific calculations and graphics
- FP-IDE - Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment
- DDD (Data Display Debugger) - a graphical interface for debuggers: GDB, DBX, XDB, JDB and others
- DrPython - editor / Python programming environment
- Umbrello - Tool for working with UML models and code generator

- KGeography - learning geography
- Marble - Desktop Globe
- GLandKarteGT - creating maps (GeoTiff and vector) for GPS and managing GPS receivers
- GPScorrelate - A program for linking digital photos to GPS data using the EXIF ​​fields
- GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) - geographic information system (GIS)
- OpenSceneGraph - A toolkit for developing applications for flight simulators, virtual reality, etc.
- Thuban - Interactive view of geographic data
- Viking - editor, analyzer and view GPS data

- Xaos - Real-Time Interactive Fractal Zoomer
- TuxPaint - drawing program for kids
- GIMP - powerful raster graphics editor
- Inkscape - a powerful vector graphics editor.
- Dia - editor of charts, graphs, charts, etc.
- LibreCad - Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Scribus - Desktop Publishing
- Blender - a three-dimensional modeling and rendering system
- KolourPaint is a simple drawing and image editing application.
- Pencil2D - Create hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using raster and vector graphics.
- XPaint - A simple drawing program in X
- Hugin - Create panoramic photos
- TGif - 2D Vector Graphics Editor
- XFig - Means for interactive creation of drawings

- Kanagram - jumbled word puzzle
- KHangMan - Hangman Puzzle
- KLettres - drawing program for kids
- Parley - Vocabulary trainer
- KWordQuiz - Flash courses
- OpenDict - Computer dictionary for DICT, Slowo, Mova and Lingvo dictionaries
- Kiten - A set of reference and learning tools for learning Japanese
- Dict - Client-server dictionary
- WordNet - Electronic lexical database of English
- Festival - Multilingual Speech Synthesis System
- Klavaro - Keyboard simulator
- KTouch - keyboard simulator
- TypeSpeed ​​- Correct typing of words flying across the screen.
- TuxType - Typewriting Training

- Blinken - memory development game
- GCompris - Educational game for children from 2 to 10 years
- pySioGame - a package of educational games for children from 3 to 10 years old
- Ktuberling - Game with pictures for children
- LMemory - children's memory games
- Childsplay - a set of educational games for young children
- PySyCache - Teach children to work with the mouse
- Atomix - Puzzle with the construction of molecules from individual atoms
- Einstein is a puzzle game based on the Einstein puzzle
- Gamine - a game for children of two years old using the mouse to draw
- GBrainy - puzzles and exercises for the development of logical thinking
- Ri-Li - toy train simulator
- cGoBan - Go Board
- GNUchess - Chess
- GTans - Tangram Puzzle Game
- XBoard - graphic chess board
- Crafty is a powerful chess program for playing through the ICC server.

- Cantor - Math Software Shell
- KAlgebra - Solution and mapping of mathematical expressions
- Kbruch - calculations with fractions
- Kig is an interactive geometry tool
- KmPlot - Math Plotter Functions
- GeoGebra - dynamic geometric environment
- Euler - interactive math programming environment
- Mathomatic - Portable Computer Algebra System (CAS)
- Octave is a high level language for numerical computations.
- Drgeo - an interactive geometric program
- Rocs - integrated development environment for graph theory
- Algobox - Introduction to Algorithms
- Lybniz - Builder
