

Open GitHub in IDE

This extension allows you to open files in your IDE directly from GitHub, assuming the repository you are working on is cloned on your computer. When a fragment of a file is displayed, your IDE opens the file and puts the cursor at the desired line.

Supported IDEs:
- VS Code
- VSCodium
- VS Code Insiders
- PhpStorm
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Any JetBrains editor (using built-in web server)
- WebStorm (not tested yet)
- GoLand
- CLion

WSL with the Ubuntu distribution is also supported on VS Code, VSCodium and VS Code Insiders for Windows.

Feel free to open an issue on GitHub if you detect a bug or a missing feature!

Open code fragment from GitHub in your IDE at the desired line Open file from GitHub in your IDE Open file from the GitHub file tree in your IDE