

Ephemeral or Confined Container, EoCC

I browse websites in two modes, ephemeral and persistent. For the majority of the websites, I don't want to leave any trace, so I browse them in a new container every time. For the rest of the websites, such as bank sites, I want to keep the cookies to avoid repeated logins, but I don't want to expose these cookies when I visit other websites, so I browse them in a persistent container that is tied with the specific website. I call the first kind of container ephemeral container, and the latter confined container. The ephemeral container is an one-time container. It is generated when a website is visited in a new tab and deleted when the tab is closed. The confined container is tied with a website, and is persistent.

By clicking the browser action icon, I can easily switch between the two modes. For a new website, I start in the ephemeral container, and if I decide to keep the cookies of this site, I click the browser action icon to convert to the confined container. Later on if I change my mind, I click the browser action icon to switch back to the ephemeral mode, and the cookies will be deleted after the tab is closed.

This add-on is inspired by "Firefox Multi-Account Containers", "Temporary Containers", and "Cookie AutoDelete".
