

Paste n' Go


  1. Are you a mouse person and absolutely hate using the keyboard?
  2. Do you hate having to right click to paste something and then having to reach for the keyboard to press enter?
  3. Now you can perform 2 steps with 1 click and avoid needing to reach for the keyboard!

Simply right click on a text field and choose "Paste and go" (or "Paste and enter" or "Paste and return" or "Paste and submit" depending on your localization). This will paste the contents of your clipboard into the text field and submits the form.

This extension works on any text box on the current webpage. But it only works on traditional forms. For really fancy webpages that use scripts to submit a form, it might not work. This extension will notify you if those circumstances are detected.

This extension works on all webpages, except for the Firefox Addons page and the Firefox's Settings page, which are off limits for all Firefox extensions.

This extension is for anyone who uses a computer mouse or trackpad. It does not request extraneous permissions so you can use it with peace of mind that it isn't spying on you.
