

ZBeacon Transmitter

The bottom line is, you can support privacy without doing anything except installing this addon. We make your data useless to Big Brother, while making it useful for privacy advocates, encryption, journalists, etc. You will not even notice you have this installed. We made it as automatic, invisible and user-friendly as possible.

This addon allows you to fight back against mass surveillance by using the one thing that mass surveillance wants: data, and you don't have to do ANYTHING except install this addon. This extension is unnoticeable in regular browsing, and you help a good cause when using it. We also provide privacy enhancing features such as a NEWS AGGREGATOR (Replacement for RSS feeds), and a cache clearing feature for Firefox. (Better than the built-in cache cleaner) All of these features can be used in the Tor browser securely without changing the fingerprint.

How it works: (Simple)
The addon collects user data, securely extracts "randomness" from it, and then sends it to our central servers to mix with everyone else's "randomness". The extraction of randomness cannot be undone, and no one can see your user data, including us. Remember, this extension is unnoticeable in regular browsing, and you help a good cause when using it.

How it works: (Complex)
The addon basically collects a lot of numerical data from the user (like mouse clicks), and then hashes it (basically extracts the "randomness" from the data and makes it un-reversible).
This means that the data is anonymized, no one can reverse it, we get the randomness for encryption, and no one can tell what went into it. We use the best state of the art hash, SHA3-512, to hash the data. SHA3-512 is extremely secure, and it cannot be broken by brute force.
Once the data is hashed, we send the data to our server, we re-hash the data to mix with other data, and we give developers that randomness to use for encryption.

Quick note: this CAN BE USED in the Tor Browser without modifying the fingerprint or making you more fingerprint-able.

Q: How does this relate to privacy and security?
A: By downloading this addon, you allow others to use TRNG values, and you can get privacy-enhancing features.

Q: How will the numbers be used?
A: Cryptography (web security) uses random numbers for key generation, nonce generation, IV generation, etc. Specific purposes that REQUIRE truly random numbers is one time pad generation. The developers will be given their numbers securely with public-private key protocols. Sign up is on the main page, here. You can also use the true random number generator for gambling, shuffling arrays truly randomly, etc. Any use you can think of works!

Q: How is this better than a hardware random number generator?
A: This is free (HRNGs are not), is authentic (with public-private keys), HRNGs eventually wear out, you can be sure there are no backdoors via this tool, TRNGs require hardware auditing: but ZBeacon only requires software auditing (keep in mind the algorithms we use, such as SHA3-512, is highly secure and can be verified as such). This can also generate hundreds of gigabytes of data per second. There is basically no cap to how much data we can generate.

Q: What does this provide for me, the user?
A: We provide a few privacy enhancing features, such as storage and cache cleaning and Firefox settings toggling. These do not effect the browser's fingerprint.

Q: How can I be sure that this is safe?
A: We use a locked down CSP and everything is open source here.

Sources for security claims:
Security of SHA3 in bits
Problems of HRNGs
Extension Source Code
