


This extension guards against coordinated pharting attack vectors targeting unsuspecting users who lower their guard when accessing fradulent websites.

By analyzing and intercepting such attacks, users are given a chance to review their options to either continue as-is, continue using a fake profile, or end the web session.

The interception also encourages users to exercise critical thinking and therefore providing fodder to be weary of future attacks.

This extension makes use of your bookmarks and browser history to facilitate it's analysis. (All your personal data does not leave your computer and is therefore safe to use.) If a website appears to be initiating a pharting attack but the website has previously been bookmarked by the user, it is assumed that the user trusts that website and the web session is allowed to continue.

If a website appears to be initiating a pharting attack and the user has visited that website multiple times in the past, the PhartShield will inform the user, allowing the user to make an informed decision whether to proceed or stop.

What harm could Pharting do? As an example, during the 2020 US Presidential Campaign hackers used phishing emails to infiltrate the Ukrainian gas company Burisma in order to dig up damaging information on Joe Biden of which his son is a board member.

This extension does not communicate with any servers, does not collect any information and does not track the user.

This extension is provided as-is and makes no claim or warranty of any kind. The author will not be held liable for any loss caused by your use or misuse of this product.

Open Source:
PhartShield is fully Open Sourced (MPL 2.0).

This extension is not related to the competing product, PhartGuard.

A typical pharting attack that makes the user think they are on a login page with their email address already filled out. The user can decide whether to abort, continue or masquerade. The phart attack is intercepted and the user is alerted.