

ColorFish 🐠 Color Picker

Advanced Open-Source Eyedropper and ColorPicker to select color values from websites and desktop.

With ColorFish you can get a color reading from any point in your browser and from any point in your desktop. ColorFish is the only colorpicker browser extension with desktop color selection support.


• Website Eyedropper - get the color of any pixel on the page
• Desktop Eyedropper - get the color of any app or image on your desktop*
• Color History of recently picked colors
• Auto copy picked colors to clipboard
• Keyboard shortcuts
• Get colors of dynamic hover elements
• Single-click to start color picking
• Pick colors from Flash objects
• Pick colors at any zoom level
• Open-Source (see Github repo)
• All features and documentation here: http://

(*) The desktop colorpicker mode requires you to install the free UI.Vision RPA software XModule. This native app is available for Mac, Linux and Windows (Download link: The native app is required to take desktop screenshots. But you only need to install this app _if_ you want to pick colors from desktop apps or Chrome special pages! For the regular web page color picking, installing the helper app is not required.

Feedback and bug reports:

ColorFish is still in beta, if you're having issues or found a bug, please don't post you bug report here, contact us directly so we can fix it:
