

GAFAM Firewall

GAFAM Firewall : Our fight against Digital Imperialism

GAFAM = Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft; the tech oligopolies.
Get more control on your Digital Life while using GAFAM sites and CDNs.

This is GPLv3 licensed Free Software
This webextension works on both Desktop and Mobile versions of Firefox
['Firefox' on Desktop, 'Firefox for Andorid' from Google Playstore, 'Fennec, IceCatMobile' from f-droid store]


    • Detect/Block GAFAM CDNs
      Highlight/Hide GAFAM links
      Privacy/FreeSoftware Alternatives
      History of Data Leaks

  • How it works:

    Why use it:

    Users: Find if any of the sites you use componenets/libraries hosted on these GAFAM CDNs and block them, or use Decentralyse to store essential components/libraries locally.

    Web Developers: Test your site and analyse if any components/libraries are depending on these CDNs, understand how your site works if these are blocked.

    Free Software/Privacy Activists: Use this webextension to expose how much of web if occupied these tech oligopolies.

    Block the TechGiants:

    Kill GAFAM Number of IP addresses on which each tech giant is squatting
Illustration: Dominic Elsey