

Firefox Relay

We all make many online accounts, but most of them are linked to just one or two email addresses. This means if just one account is hacked, every account using the same email address could also be at risk.

Firefox Relay helps you protect your real email address — the one most closely tied to your online identity. It lets you generate unique, random aliases you can use to sign up for accounts, apps, or newsletters, and forwards messages to your real address. If you find that an account is sending unwanted email or spam, you can block the alias and it will stop sending email to your inbox. Once you no longer want an account, you can delete the alias.

Want more protection and convenience? With Firefox Relay Premium you can create unlimited aliases and send replies. Additionally, you can create a custom domain for your aliases that’s easier to remember and share. Need an alias for a restaurant reservation? Just say — no need to create the alias beforehand.

Click the Relay button in email fields to generate a new alias right away. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) on form fields to access the menu and generate an alias. You get a new, random address that ends in Relay will forward messages to the primary email address associated with your account. Use the Relay website to keep track of the aliases you’ve created. If you find that one receives spam or unwanted messages, you can block all messages or even delete the alias, right from the management page.