

CommentBlock: Avoid Comments and Distractions

CommentBlock blocks toxic comment sections across the internet for a stress and distraction free internet experience!

Simply add CommentBlock to your browser and you are all set.

You can customize what is blocked by using the popover (click the “CB” button next to the address bar to open popover).

Popover Features:
Use the toggles to turn on/off CommentBlock.
Use the dropdowns to decide what elements are blocked (likes, shares, and/or comments) on sites like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
Click the “Whitelist this Domain” button on any webpage to prevent comment blocking on it.
Use the “Report” button to report if CommentBlock is not working on a certain page.

For major sites like Facebook and Youtube, we have gone beyond just blocking comments and allow you to block things like likes, shares, suggested videos etc.

We would love to hear your feedback! Please use the feedback form in the popover to share any ideas, comments, or concerns.

Made with ♥ in Chicago

Read more about why we don't like comment sections here:
