

Duolingo Solution Viewer

For more detailed information, screenshots, or if you have any support request,
visit the development page of the extension here:


Keyboard shortcuts

After having submitted an answer to a challenge, use:

When a list of solutions is available, use:

When the filter input is focused:

Filter shortcuts

For most languages, enter:

For languages that do not use space-separated words (such as Japanese), enter:




Duolingo is a registered trademark of Duolingo, Inc. This extension is not affiliated with Duolingo in any way.

Provides a link to the list of solutions of the current challenge, once you have submitted your answer. By default, the solutions are sorted by their similarity with your answer, but you can also switch to an alphabetical sort. Click on your answer to edit it. The similarity scores of each solution will be refreshed accordingly. Click on the thumbtack button to pin your reference answer, and easily compare it with all the solutions. Filter the solutions by entering one or more words in the filter input (click on the icons on the left of a filter to refine it). Select a word (or just a part of it) in any solution to quickly add a new filter. Remembers the lists of solutions of each challenge, to also make them available from the corresponding forum discussions. Outlines typos in answers to listening challenges. Displays the closest solution when the answer you submitted is incorrect.