

Save webP as PNG or JPEG (Converter)

This extension allows converting from WebP (or any other format) to PNG or JPEG. There also is a button to re-request the image masquerading as Internet Explorer 11 (you might need to click it a second time because Firefox likes to serve the cached iamge), and a button to send animated WebP images to for conversion to animated GIFs.

If you want to discourage sites from sending webP format images at all, especially if you are having trouble saving GIFv files, check out my other extension: Don't "Accept" image/webp.

Configuring the context menu item

These are the default actions, but you can switch them around to fit your needs (on the Options panel):

* Click "Save webP as..." to show format/quality buttons overlaid on the image
* Shift+click "Save webP as..." to save in PNG format
* Ctrl+click "Save webP as..." to save in JPEG format at 92% quality (on Mac, use Command+click)

Custom save folders

Extensions can only save under your Downloads folder, but you can set up date or site folders to help keep organized.


The button bar may not appear and images may not be saved if scripts are blocked from running in the page (for example, by the NoScript extension).


I regret having to use the "All sites" permission, but most images these days load from a different server, and that creates a cross-site access problem (canvas taint) that often blocks the extension from saving unless it has permission in advance. In a future release, I will try to offer a different approach that uses fewer privileges.

Look for a new right-click context menu item for images. If the menu mentions a linked image, you might want to open the link first and see whether that is a larger or better quality image. Clicking the context menu item overlays format/quality buttons for one-click convert and save. Use the Options (gear) button to modify save behavior, available format/quality levels, etc. The Image Info and button bar displays automatically when images are loaded Context menu options. If you have a preferred format you always use, you can switch the plain click from showing buttons to using your preferred format. Manage the appearance and behavior of the button bar and image info panel. Third part of the Options panel as of version 1.1. Do you want Firefox to prompt you every time? Just save the image without asking? Or follow your regular setting? Fourth part of the Options panel as of version 1.1. Tweak file name options here. You can add private window image downloads to your regular downloads history if you like.