

Mute Unfocused Tabs

Allows to manage the mute state of a group (or all) tabs to only keep the currently focused one of the group unmuted and mute the others. Quick-Change via Toolbar Button and permanent ex/inclusion via preferences

Usage: Simple (Automatic Mode)

  1. All Tabs are managed, click the toolbar icon, to toggle the manage or unmanaged state each tab.
  2. The List on the preference page allows to make default exclusions (set unmanaged sites/urls via regex) (Sites which you want to hear audio from when they are not focused)

Usage: Advanced (Manual Mode)
  1. Needs to be enabled on the preference page
  2. All Tabs are now unmanaged
  3. click the toolbar icon, to toggle the manage or unmanaged state each tab.
  4. The list on the preference page now allows to make default inclusions (set managed sites/urls via regex) (Sites which you dont want to hear audio from when they are not focused)

If the mute icon on the tabs is annoying to you, you can hide it via userChrome.css.

.tab-secondary-label[muted] { display: none !important; }

PS: Dont forget to enable the about:config switch that enables it.

  1. Permissions:
    • tabs, to query tab data and set mute states
    • storage, to save the user settings (mode+regex list)
    This add-on tries to use the minimal number of required permissions to successfully fullfill its intended purpose.
    If you think this could be improved please let me know by opening an issue (see. below) and i will try to look into it. More Details on the individual permission can be found here:
  2. Cost/Payment:
    This Add-on is and forever will be subscription and payment free to use for everyone however they like.
    If you are feeling generous you can send me a tip via my bitcoin address 35WK2GqZHPutywCdbHKa9BQ52GND3Pd6h4
  3. Stars/Reviews:
    If this this add-on was useful for you, please leave some stars or a review so others can find it more easily.
  4. Bugs, Suggestions and Requests:
    If you have any (e.g. a site it does not work but you think it should) or have improvement suggestions or feature request please open an issue here:

Preferences unmanaged, via preference exclusion list (automatic mode + list entry) managed, via preference inclusion list (manual mode + list entry) managed unmanaged