

Aliexpress Superstar - Price history

The Best Advisor for Shopping in China

Aliexpress Superstar is an amazing browser extension, which will help you to save money and protect your purchase when shopping on Aliexpress, Gearbest, Banggood and many other shops in China.

This unique tool has a lot of great features. Here are some of them:

1. Tracking price history on Aliexpress and GearBest.
2. Convert prices to 160 world currencies.
3. Find same products from other sellers for better price.
4. Seller rating analysis will tell you, if it is safe to buy the product.
5. By using right click, you can find any product on Aliexpress by image search.
6. Purchase protection period - our tool will notify you always, when protection period is expiring.
7. Easy tracking orders by one click.

Any features of this tool can be turn on & off in settings. Just choose, which features you want to use.

You can switch any currency & language of this extension.

If you would like to add any new feature to this plugin, any new currency, any new language, please contact us on . We will add it for you.

In link below, you will find article, about how to use our plugin:
