Chexxo analyses the certificates of the websites you visit and displays the certificate's quality as well as the certificate details. Chexxo differentiates between the three quality classes defined by the CA/Browser Forum which are "domain validated", "organization validated" and "extended validated".
Chexxo furthermore blocks requests to websites of which the certificate quality has decreased since the users last visit. This behavior can be controlled in the extension settings.

- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 0
- Average daily users: 1
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2020-11-24 17:30:23
- Last updated: 2021-05-19 14:38:27
- Homepage:
- Support site and email
- Orig:
- API: {6513dc49-58b4-41fe-9d2b-a61825258407}