


mediaBlock is a WebExtension that will help you get rid of internet unproductive influences and create a distraction free environment.
Actually, unlike other content blocker, our extensions and further ecosystem to come will train you to give up the media and social-media platforms altogether, helping you earn back the hundreds of free hours you used to have.

for now we have three main functionalities to get you to this goal.

1- blocking images : our WebExtension can block any pictures, so, no more brain-sticky content. no more hot girls, hot clickbait, or intense ads. the internet just looks like a book.

2-blocking keywords : This functionality consist of hiding any text containing unwanted keywords. such as "Kim Kardashian". you can add any keyword by adding them in the keywords blocklist. in the option section of our plugin.

3-blocking websites :
add any websites to the website-blocklist. and you will never hear again about these huge time consumers.

further versions of this plugin are under development.

personal note : i first built this plugin for my sole use, thereby removing my habit of watching "yourTube", and deleted my "fakeBook" account. best decision of my life.
the feeling of having so much extra time is incredible. try it for one or two week to feel the most effect. we are open to critics, if there is anything just tell us !


Alexandre Leonetti, dev team.

plugin popup page. plugin option blocklists page