


Made to facilitate the search process on Q&A sites using colors, copy buttons and shortcuts. For now is compatible with Stackoverflow and Stackexchange. Search compatible with Google and DuckDuckGo.

Main features:
- It processes time and transforms it into colors, red is older and green is newer. It also creates a direct link to the best answer.
- It shows emojis in the browser tabs, 💾 is older, 💿 is old, ✳️ is new and 🔥 is the newest.
- Highlights the results of the Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange searches and creates a direct link to the best answer (support for Google and DuckDuckGo).
- Copy the question and answer codes to the clipboard. Experimental: directly copy the results of DuckDuckGo.

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Processes time and transforms it into colors, red is older and green is newer. It also creates a direct link to the best answer. 💾 is older, 💿 is old, ✳️ is new and 🔥 is the newest. Highlights the results and creates a direct link to the best answer. Copy the question and answer codes to the clipboard.