

My Bookmark Search

How to open
- Open in current tab : 'Left Click' or 'Enter' on selected bookmark/folder
- Open in new tab : 'Ctrl/Command + Left Click' or 'Ctrl/Command + Enter'
- Open in new window : 'Shift + Left Click' or 'Shift + Enter'
- Close popup : 'Click outside popup' or 'Esc'
- Open "Form for remove or update" : 'Alt/Option + Click' or 'Alt/Option + Enter'
- Change search type : 'Click on search type button' or 'Tab'
* Supports scrolling using keyboard arrow keys
* "Form for remove or update" supports only remove or update; not support create and reorder
* Cannot Click or Enter to open the bookmark when "Form for remove or update" is still open
* "Search with Default Search Engine" will only be used if the search results are not found

- Show Bookmark Search : 'Ctrl + Space'

You can change Shortcuts via Manage Extension Shortcuts
- How to Manage extension shortcuts : link
- Possible Key Combinations : link

Important Notes
- Tags and Favicons are not support on Bookmarks API (Ref. Tags , Favicons)
> Tags: impossible to get or update it
> Favicon: resolve the issue by getting the favicon from ""

BrowserAction Popup Open popup in a new window Option page