

Netflix Addictector – Netflix Screen Time


- Limits watch time: Blocks Netflix after daily watch time limit exceeds
- Limits watch time: Blocks Netflix after weekly watch time limit exceeds
- Removes ‘next episode’ button
- When a new episode starts, blocks the episode view for 2 minutes
- Episode pauses: Pauses your episode every defined minutes and/or set to randomly pause your episode so that you can take a break and rest your eyes and brain.
- Time range: Allows you to only watch Netflix during a specific set amount of time (e.g. 7PM to 10PM)
- Quotes: To motivate and inspire you.

*Most features are configurable. Except for the main core features.


You’re here because you recognize that your relationship with Netflix has become a problem. Let Addictector help guide you back to the happy and healthy life you deserve. Netflix Addictector is a Chrome extension for Netflix bingers who want to control how often they watch shows. Try it — It’s free and freedom is one click away!

Are you watching more Netflix than you’d like to admit? Are you worried about your ability to stop watching? Lose track of time and lean on the site for entertainment.

Watching hours of TV shows or movies can leave you feeling unfulfilled… Waking up tired, not being able to concentrate at work or in school and missing out on social events :(

With this simple extension, you can’t keep watching and ruin your productive life. Netflix Addictector will help you stay within your Netflix allotment by blocking access to the site.

No need to feel guilty about it any longer. Install the extension now and enjoy your life.

Let us help you take control of your life. Stop watching TV tonight. Use your freedom to do something great with your life instead!

We all know the feeling, you’re totally engrossed in an episode of your favorite show on Netflix and before you know it, another episode has started. You find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Netflix to find the next show to binge — Oh, it’s already your birthday. Netflix can cause increasing levels of addiction, which sucks all joy out of your life. So we came up with an extension named Addictector to help you prevent and/or recover your Netflix addiction.

We also know how easy it is to get sucked into watching Netflix shows over and over again. We created this extension to help you stay aware of the real world and not get too sucked in!

Life has many distractions, and you’re a simple human being. You enjoy the occasional Netflix binge, but you know it can get out of hand. Kick back, choose an appropriate amount of daily viewing time and use Netflix Addictector to keep yourself in check. Netflix Addictector is a free browser extension that stops Netflix’s (intended) addicting algorithm and helps users spend less time on Netflix and more time on their responsibilities. Take back control over your binge watching with the help of Netflix Addictector

Life is all about choices. And you should never have to choose between Netflix and actually doing something that matters…


Furthermore, your mental and physical health is also being tarnished if you watch Netflix for more than an hour a day and less than 9 hours a week. Just by sitting on the coach and eating junk food is ruining your overall wellbeing. Just search it up on the internet, search what happens to your health if you continue to binge Netflix. While you’re searching, also search for tips on how to consume Netflix safely, such as eating frozen grapes as snacks compared to nacho cheese chips dipped in nacho cheese sauce.

Your brain on Netflix:

1: You lose the ability to feel awe
2: You are desensitized to violence
3: You no longer enjoy activities you enjoyed before you started watching Netflix
4: You just don’t know what to do with your time? Get back your life.

Netflix claims to be the best thing ever for busy people. They want you hooked on their content, so they incentivize their users. Look at the incentives and see if any of them are unhealthy for your life. Do you use the ‘continue watching’ feature? Do you binge watch?


Netflix is an amazing way to spend time with friends and family, but sometimes it can get a little too addicting and render us useless for long hours. That’s where the Netflix Addictector comes in, helping you save countless hours of your life and making sure you stay connected to the people that matter.

It’s easy to get used to Netflix, and addicted to watching all of their shows and movies. But when you spend more time on this online service than watching something else, something is wrong with your brain. One day, you realize Netflix has become more than just a convenient way to watch television. This extension will help you identify and minimize the risks of watching too much Netflix, and start putting your mind into rest when necessary.

Enjoying Netflix & chilling can be unhealthy. Chill on Netflix by taking control of your watching habits. Whether you need to remind yourself of the time, fight your urge to binge with a pause button or reschedule your viewing session, Addictector helps.

Do you spend more time streaming shows than fulfilling responsibilities? Do you binge without even realizing it because of the ultimate Netflix addiction? If so, you’re not alone. They addict thousands of people all over the world to watching too many episodes of their favorite show!

Ever started watching a movie or one episode of a show and suddenly realized that it’s already dark outside... and you have to get up in 6 hours for your job? Well, Netflix Addictector was designed to help you with that.

Don’t Netflix and Chill tonight?
