

WaniKani Kanji Highlighter

Unofficial kanji highlighter, matching kanji learned with WaniKani.
Complement your kanji studying on WaniKani with every kanji you learned so far being highlighted everytime it shows up on any web page.
By hovering over any highlighted kanji, you will get a popup with detailed information (provided by WaniKani) about that kanji.
Browse through all kanji and vocabulary provided by WaniKani through the SearchBar in the extension Popup.
Get information about your lessons, reviews and future reviews!

Changelog v0.6.6

# Popup
- Added Copy to Clipboard button to API Key on About page

# Content
- Added Copy to Clipboard buttons to the main subject of lateral Details Popup and to each subject related to that main subject

# Bug Fix
- Previous Subject arrow on lateral Details Popup now is always visible to prevent a bug where it wouldn't show up, even when there were previous subjects
- Navbar on lateral Details Popup now scrolls to each section without affecting the main webpage (some webpages would react badly to url hash changes when using anchor links and reload the page)

Changelog v0.6.5

# Popup
- Reduced loading times
- Removed subject info when hovering on subjects in profile, while at Wanikani

# Bug Fix
- Fixed issue where highlighted kanji would show on extension popups opened in other tabs (not only on the popup opened on their tab)

Changelog v0.6.4

# Popup
- Changed the way the loading of subjects is being done to reduce significantly it's time
- Added Profile Page to Extension Popup, accessible by clicking the Avatar on the top right corner, in the side panel. This allows to:

- Added Star to the top right corner of every secundary page that allows to make that page the Home Page of the Extension Popup
Changelog v0.6.3

# Popup
- Slider on settings to change width of extension popup
- Precise search switch button now works on kana writing and kanji (before, it was always precise)
- Sliders on settings now work with mouse wheel too (shift + wheel increases scale)
- Activating kana writing on text inputs of a web page no longer requires page reload (activation and deactivation happens in real time now)
- Some containers within the extension popup have been made resizable
- Bar with status of Highlighting and Details Popup (if those features are active or not)
- Removed old interface (not accessibable through the X button on the top right anymore)
- Small changes on buttons to blacklist a site to fit most recent interface
- Added overall progression bar on each SRS Stage
- Added overall progression stats (number of subjects) on each SRS Stage
- Added levels in progress stats
- Possibility to chose, through settings, what to show in the home page of the extension popup

# Content
- Added button to play sound of reading to the details popup of any vocabulary
- Added real time color change to details popup, when changing it from the settings of the extension popup

# Bug Fix
- Clicking on a search result while on kana writing mode now searches for that result (before, it only worked while on romaji mode)
- Fixed issue where list of highlighted kanji wouldn't show up if extension popup was opened too soon
- Fixed issue where search on extension popup wouldn't load subjects when clicking to change type of input (from Romaji to Kana)
- Improved kana writing to fix some bugs with situations like "しゅっしゃ" and "かんじ" (when written as kanji instead of kannji)
- Fixed issue where the bars stating the number of highlighted kanji wouldn't show up or not update automaticaly
- Fixed issue where highlight wouldn't work if you changed tabs before page loaded
- Improved verifications to reduce times when highlight runs when it shouldn't

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