Purse.io browser extension for seamless integration between Purse.io and Amazon shopping.
For Shoppers: We include a button on Amazon product pages which lets you add the item directly to your Purse.io Shopping cart without leaving amazon.
For Earners: you can now use the Purse Firefox Extension to submit tracking information to Purse Orders directly from Amazon tracking pages.
Source Code: https://github.com/Purse/buywithbitcoin
Feature Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r7yUG6DIGQ
Compatible with all supported Purse Stores:
- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 2
- Average daily users: 107
- Rating: 5/5 of 1 ratings
- Created: 2021-09-14 19:24:23
- Last updated: 2021-11-02 22:41:20
- Homepage: https://purse.io
- Support site and email
- Orig: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/purse-io-buy-with-bitcoin/
- API: buywithbitcoin@purse.io