


A Firefox extension that allows you to securely open bookmarks in multi-account containers.

See screenshots for usage instructions
* Assigning containers to the contents of entire folders is also supported.

Security Tokens
When a bookmark is assigned to a container, it’s assigned a random token.
It’s prepended to the existing URL, as well as the prefix about.
E.G. -> about:r4nD0Mt_k3n:

Token retention Policy
Tokens are refreshed upon these conditions

Unused or invalid tokens are deleted upon these conditions

Privacy Policy/T.O.S
  1. We do not collect ANY information from you, everything is stored locally.
  2. There are no terms of service, use as you please. Do respect the MIT License, however.

Made with components from

All code is licensed under the MIT License.
Because innovation is desirable.

Do it. If it’s needed, contribute. I’ll accept any Pull/Merge request, so long as it’s reasonable, and decently tested.
See our homepage for source code and contribution.

Assign containers from the bookmark-bar. Assign containers as easily as if you were bookmarking the website!