

Bookmark Session

Bookmark Session will maintain a bookmark folder named `past sessions`, and once the `Bookmark Current Session` button is clicked, bookmark directories will be created by year/day/window, and all the associated open tabs will have bookmarks saved for them.

The intended usage is for the user to realize they have way too many tabs open, click the button to save all opened tabs to their bookmarks, and close all the tabs to start a fresh browser session. This addon will prevent you from losing any important tabs you meant to keep open.

Here's the structure of how the `past sessions` directory is arranged:

past sessions/
├── 2020 Sessions/
│ ├── 2020-03-10 (Tue) Session/
│ │ ├── Window 1/
│ │ │ └── Website 1 Bookmark
│ │ └── Window 2/
│ │ ├── Website 2 Bookmark
│ │ └── Website 3 Bookmark
│ ├── 2020-08-13 (Thu) Session/
│ │ ├── Window 1/
│ │ │ ├── Website 4 Bookmark
│ │ │ └── Website 5 Bookmark
│ │ └── Window 2/
│ │ └── Website 6 Bookmark
│ └── 2020-12-15 (Tue) Session/
│ │ ├── Window 1/
│ │ │ └── Website 7 Bookmark
│ │ └── Window 2/
│ │ └── Website 8 Bookmark
├── 2021 Sessions/
│ ├── 2021-01-03 (Sun) Session/
│ │ └── . . .
│ └── . . .
└── . . .

GitHub Repo Link:

Clicking the `Bookmark Current Session` button to save bookmarks Opening the `past sessions` bookmark folder tree