This very simple extension adds a "Copy Relative URL" item to the context menu when you right click a link. So, for instance, if you right click a link and the URL is, it will copy /some-path/?q=1#hash to your clipboard so you can paste that nice, clean relative link in your code.
A niche use case! But I'm a web developer and I have to do that a lot more than most so I wrote an extension to make it faster.
Source code is available here:

- License: MIT License
- Weekly downloads: 0
- Average daily users: 1
- Rating: 0/5 of 0 ratings
- Created: 2022-08-02 22:44:09
- Last updated: 2022-08-03 07:10:12
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- API: {f5929e94-34ea-41bc-809b-8de8a0428ca1}