

Fetch Wallet

The Fetch wallet is an easy way to interact with the Fetch blockchain, but also supports other Cosmos-based networks, such as Osmosis and Juno Network.

Using the wallet, you can transfer tokens to other accounts natively, or by using the IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) protocol.

The wallet is quick and easy to set up, intuitive to use, and ultra secure. It encrypts your private keys and mnemonics (using scrypt) and stores it locally on your device, so neither Fetch nor the websites you visit have access to these sensitive data.

Some of the wallet's features include:
- Support for the Fetch blockchain as well as other cosmos-based ledgers (e.g. Osmosis, Juno, …)
- Messaging feature: You can now message contacts directly from inside the wallet. These messages are end-to-end encrypted, so only you and the person you are communicating with can read the message.
- Support for multiple accounts: Create new accounts or Import existing ones
- Connect your existing hardware wallet
- Send and receive tokens
- Transfer tokens using the IBC protocol
- Staking on the Fetch ledger (Add stake and Claim your rewards) and other supported chains
- Recover native accounts on the Fetch main-net which were migrated from Ethereum accounts used to stake ERC20 FET
- Address Book for easy access to frequently used accounts

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