

LinkedIn Jobs Filterer

Filter jobs from LinkedIn job searches and recommended jobs, or filter jobs based on regexp matches on the title, company name, or location.
Make sure to grant access to on the Manage Extension page.
Open the extension options to edit regexps or see which jobs are filtered.
Filtered jobs can be hidden completely or just greyed out.
Specific jobs can be filtered in two ways: (1) You can click LinkedIn's "don't show me this job" button (an eye with a slash through it) on a job, and then the extension will repeat that to LinkedIn if/when it shows you the job again. (2) You can click the funnel button that the extension adds next to the slashed eye, in which case the extension will hide it from then on without telling LinkedIn, and it'll be completely invisible.
You can also make jobs filtered via regexps or LinkedIn's button invisible, by enabling the checkbox to that effect in the extension options.
Extension options are saved to synced storage, so if you're logged into Firefox sync they'll propagate across all browsers where you're logged in.
