

Chatgpt "Save page as..." Fix

[Deprecated?] Now user allow copy share link, open it, "Save page as...", and re-open the *.shtml file without issue. But that links are public until "Delete Link" or clear conversation.

Currently, in order to save ChatGPT conversations, if you choose 'Save page as...' and then open an *.shtml file, you will not be able to see the content.

You need to remove a file called webpack-<random number>.js in its *_files/ folder before this extension can be useful. After that, the page will get stuck and you won't be able to scroll. This extension uses a simple CSS code to fix the height and make it scrollable.

You can use Linux command `find CHATGPT_FOLDER -iname 'webpack*js' -exec rm "{}" ;` to remove all webpack files in single command.

In the 'Before' screenshot, the .shtml file could not be scrolled. After using this extension, I am now able to scroll the saved .shtml file. You need to remove a file called webpack-<random number>.js in its *_files/ folder before this extension can be useful. You can use a command to mass remove that file pattern.