


dotepub allows you to convert any webpage into an EPUB or Kindle e-book.

Download webpages to any device: e-readers, tablets, smartphones, netbooks, desktop computers...

Save now and immersively read later (even offline) those long and deep articles you didn't have time to read while browsing.

Build a personal library of your favorite blog posts, news articles, etc.

Compatible with Amazon Kindle, iBooks (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad), the Nook, the Kobo eReader, the Sony Reader, the iLiad, the BeBook, the Cool-er, the CyBook, the Alex eReader, the Elonex eBook, the eSlick, the eClicto, the Hanlin eReader, the QUE ProReader, the Papyre, the Leqtor...

Also available as Chrome extension and as a bookmarklet for other browsers.
