

SubToMe - Universal Follow Button

Newsfeeds provide a good opportunity to keep up to date with the latest news of a website. The more newsfeeds you subscribe to, the more practical seems the usage of a feed reader. The subscription of a feed to such a service is a quite complicated process, though. First of all it is necessary to get the feed URL, then to retrieve the feed reader of your choice and last to paste the URL.

On this point the extension SubToMe - Universal Follow Button interacts. This extension creates an additional symbol in the add-on bar of Firefox. By clicking on this symbol a dialog appears, which enables to add the newsfeed to feed reader.

The extension uses therefore SubToMe and sets in its subscribe button directly to firefox. Further information regarding SubToMe are provided on

In doing so the browser remembers all the used services and offers those initially to guarantee a quick access. Through used services can be removed. The information about which newsreaders are used through SubToMe is only stored on the local computer (LocalStorage), that's why not any storage on the server is taking place. As well there is no need to create a account on the website (anyway it's not offered).

For installation the extension requires no restart of the browser.

Subscribe to a web site Remove used news readers from subtome