

Simple Lorem Ipsum

This extension inserts a simple Lorem Ipsum text into form fields and editable content elements.
Furthermore it provides an edit mode to customize any content on your webpage.

How to use

You can also fill all sibling form fields of the selected form field automatically.
Please consider, that currently only textarea,
input[text], input[search] and input[email] will be filled automatically.

Furthermore you can specify your own dummy text in the extension options dialog and customize the given hotkeys.


Version 1.3.0:

Version 1.2.0:

Version 1.1.0:

Version 1.0.0:


This extension has been successfully tested with:

Minimum requirement is Firefox 60.0.


The extension injects a so-called content-script into all webpages to insert
the Lorem Ipsum text, therefore access to all web pages is required.
The application will not send any data to anywhere.
The application stores the defined dummy text and your hotkeys within Firefox storages.
There will be some download statistics of this application collected by Mozilla via
The source code can be found at github.


If you want to contribute, please use Javascript ES6 (2015).
Translations for any language are always welcome.

Press F10 to toggle Edit Mode Select an Element and click it to edit it. Press F9 to insert some dummy text Right click on a form and use context menu to fill all form fields