

Multiple Tab Handler

This addon provides a panel to select tabs by dragging. After selection you can choose a command to operate selected tabs with a menu. And you can also close multiple tabs directly by dragging on closeboxes.

The menu contains commands compatible to tab context menu of Firefox itself. You can add more commands provided by other tab related addons, for example:

* Copy Selected Tabs to Clipboard
* Save Selected Tabs to Files
* Tab Mover

Moreover, this addon is designed to work with Tree Style Tab. If you install both addons, you can select tabs in the sidebar by dragging . (Note that you need to long-press on a tab to start selection. Otherwise - if you start dragging immediately, it just moves the tab.)

A list of tabs in the panel of Items are easily selected by dragging After selection you can choose a command from menu Dragging on closeboxes closes tabs directly After selection you can run commands from tab context menu Tabs in the Closeboxes are also available to close tabs at a time, in