

WebSitePulse Current Status

- Sidebar - displays all targets and their real time current status. Clicking on the target name expands details about the response time measured from all monitoring locations specified for this server or website. The link "more" opens the target details screen in your account where a log in is required. A minute counter at the bottom of the Sidebar displays how long ago the status was refreshed. To update the contents of the Sidebar manually, click on the "Refresh" button at the top.

- Extension settings

- turn the extension on/off
- enter the account username and account key
- set the auto-refresh interval

Note that a monitoring account with WebSitePulse is required in order to use this extension. Visit to create your free account. All new accounts are created as a 30 days free trial after which you decide whether to use a limited free account or a paid one. You can continue to use this addon with a free account for as long as you like and no payments will be asked of you at any point.

If you would like to send us your feedback, to recommend additional features for this extension or to suggest other extensions, please use the form on to contact us.

The Sidebar The Status Bar The Status Bar: Warning condition The Status Bar: Error condition Extension Settings