

Translate Now

Select text on any page, right click and select Translate Now. This will open a new tab with the translation using Google Translate.

The destination language (the language you are translating to) can be set in the preferences of Translate Now. The source language is determined automatically, but can also be set in the preferences.

The second function of this addon is to speak the selected text using Google Translate. This function needs to be explicitly enabled since version 1.0.0 in the preferences.

- Supports Google Translate, Bing Translator and DeepL Translator.
- Broad support for source and destination languages.
- Speak source text or destination text (translation) aloud using Google Translate Voice or Bing Translator Voice.
- Make a selection, translate the current page or translate linked page.
- Use the toolbar icon to translate texts and right click the toolbar icon to gain access to the preferences.
- Highly customizable.

Version >= 1.0.0 is available for Firefox 48 and up. The first versions of Translate Now were partially based on To Google Translate.

Languages Usage Preferences