

Bulc Club

Introducing the Bulc Club Firefox Addon
Bring the power of Bulc Club to your favorite browser with a host of great features:

  1. Check the Bulc Club Member Rating: Highlight an email address or domain from any web page (including mail clients), right-click, and select "Check Bulc Club Member Rating" and we'll pop-open a tab with the current Member Ratings. More info »
  2. Create Bulc Club BulcBurners: Click the Bulc Club browser bar icon, type the email address** where you'd like to receive your BulcBurner, and hit Enter. A brand new single-use, disposable email address will be sent to you instantly. More info »
  3. Access your Bulc Club Member Console: Click the Bulc Club logo at the top of the same pop-up and a new tab will take you to your member console. If your browser is logged in, it provides instant access to your Bulc Club email history panel. More info »
Bulc Club's mission is to rid the world of spam and bulkmail, forever.
If you're tired of receiving junkmail, join the club! It's entirely free!

** Your email address is safe with us. Privacy Policy
