

Aliexpress, GearBest - Where is my order?

This button appears on Aliexpress or GearBest order detail page under tracking number
- Pros:
Just press it and get results here.

How do I track my order on Aliexpress?
1. "After the supplier ships your order, a tracking number will appear. You can track your order on shipping company's website with the tracking number provided.
Log in my Alibaba and see the tracking details in transactions." - The default option.
- Cons:
Need to open another page.

2. Some sites provide order tracking services.
- Cons:
Need to open another page and copy-paste tracking code.

3. There are some similar browser extensions
- Cons:
Some of them are not working and not supported any more.
Need to copy-paste tracking code.

The button "Where is my order" is one more comfortable option.

The button Tracking results