

Filter Affinity

Ever been browsing all the great art on FurAffinity and come across something you didn't like? Yeah, me too. So I made this.

Welcome to Filter Affinity!

It filters out content based on artist names and keywords in the submission titles on the Home, Browse, and Search pages. If you wish to always display artwork by a certain artist, their names can be listed to always be allowed to do just that.

Hovering over a submission thumbnail will show a Add/Remove option box. Clicking the plus(+) symbol adds the artist's name to the filter list automatically. Clicking the minus(-) symbol removes the artist from the filter list.

You can also filter by the submission rating, and even just block out the entire submission or just hide the thumbnail! Easy!

No longer worry about scarring your eyes with material you'd rather not stumble across. Try out Filter Affinity today!
